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简介羽毛球林丹个人资料英文版_林丹是中国著名的羽毛球运动员英文       大家好,我是小编,今天我要和大家分享一下关于羽毛球林丹个人资料英文版的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,











       林丹(Lin Dan)











       奥运所使用的球拍:YONEX AT—700

       现在使用的球拍:李宁 啸天林WOODSN90







































       中文名: 林丹

       别名: 超级丹

       国籍: 中国

       民族: 汉

       出生地: 福建龙岩上杭

       出生日期: 1983年10月14日

       毕业院校: 华侨大学

       身高: 1.78米

       体重: 70公斤

       运动项目: 羽毛球男子单打

       所属运动队: 中国羽毛球队

       专业特点: 擅长头顶滑板吊对角球/鱼跃救球

       主要奖项: 2004,2006,2008年汤姆斯杯冠军2005-2011苏迪曼杯四连冠2008年奥运会冠军(男单)2006,2007,2009世界锦标赛冠军2010年亚运会男单、男团冠军2010年汤姆斯杯冠军2011世锦赛冠军2012伦敦奥运会冠军

       重要事件: 2010年11月21日成为了世界羽毛球历史上唯一一位全满贯选手


       Dear Lindan you said you didn't have any friend in the high school.don't worry ,you just need some try. maybe you can talk more with you classmates.and make you look friendly.try to be more outgoing,then the others will like you.helping others is also a great way.they will think you are a good friend. high school is a important part of our development.in some ways,it's different from middle school.although it'very diffcult,you shuold adaptation it. try your best,i'm sure you will get over it! Dear Lin Dan, I konw you are wrong.But I think I can help you. First,you must active!And you must friendly to everyone. And everyone are friendly to you.Communicate more with your classmates.You need to actively with each classmates greeting.Just do it!You will have more friends! Lin Dan, the top seed in men's singles at the Beijing Olympic badminton tournament eased past world No. 2 Lee Chong-wei from Malaysia 21-12, 21-8 here on Sunday to grab the most eye-catching singles gold. The match which was anticipated to be the highest-level encounter between the world top two shuttlers has been totally unbalanced in favor of Lin Dan, nicknamed Super Dan for his great achievements in badminton history, after the score was tied 1-1 in the first game. Lee Chong-wei apparently was crushed by the enormous pressure on him, made lots of unforced erros, and finally conceded the victory to Lin Dan at an awkward score. After the victory, Super Dan threw his racket and shoes in ecstacy to the enthusiastic crowd, gestured a military salute to the four corners of the whole stadium, and flied a kiss to Xie Xingfang, his girlfriend and the women's singles silverist in Beijing cheering for him on the stand. "The victory means so much to me, I feel extremely happy today, "said the 24-year-old, who holds the No. 1 title for almost five years, only temporarily interrupted by Lee Chong-wei in 2006. "In the past four years, I had suffered lots of pressure," said the famous, but controversial figure among Chinese athletes, who was kicked out by Ronald Susilo from Singapore at his debut at Athens Olympics. "I hope it the future, I could play badminton for fun." The Malaysian hopeful, apparently distressed by the shameful loss, admitted that he was surpassed in all aspects by Lin Dan in this match, especially in speed. "I could hardly follow his fast speed and variation of rhythm," said the 25-year-old. 世界男单排名第一的林丹在周日进行的羽毛球男单决赛中,以两轮21-12,21-8的比分轻松战胜世界排名第二的马来西亚选手李宗伟,获得了这枚备受关注的金牌。 这场有两位高手参加的比赛从一开始就朝有利于林丹的方向发展,这是超级丹羽毛球生涯中最重要的一场比赛。 李宗伟很明显压力很大,比赛中频频出现失误,最终以一个尴尬的比分负于林丹。 赛后,林丹把球拍与球鞋扔向了热情的观众,并向场地四周行了军礼。也给了站在场边观战的羽毛球女单亚军,也是他的女友谢杏芳一个飞吻。 “胜利对我意义重大,今天我很高兴。”24岁,连续5年世界排名第一,只是在2006年短暂地被李宗伟拿下世界第一的林丹说。 “在过去的四年里,我承受了太多的压力,”这位著名的,但是饱受争议的中国运动员说,在雅典奥运会男单比赛首轮即被新加坡选手苏西洛淘汰。“我希望在未来,我能享受羽毛球带给我的乐趣。” 马来西亚新星,很明显被这个可怜的比分所打击,承认林丹在比赛中各方面都超越了他,尤其是速度。 “我几乎不能跟上他的速度与节奏变化。”25岁的李宗伟如是说。 有些东西你要自己想,这篇作文是个参考而已 也不能照搬,你可以适当的锦上添花,使文章更加优美。 祝你学习进步!


       He has a face like dick他有一张帅气的脸his arm is always used to play his penis.他的手臂强劲有利去打羽毛球His complexion is black just like a big dick他的肤色是黑色的就像一个大英雄


       我的偶像是林丹英语是My idol is Lin Dan。










       1988年,林丹开始接触羽毛球。1992年,进福建体校。1995年,进入福州八一体工队。2000年,进入国家队。 2002年8月,登上国际羽联排名第一的位置。 2005年,苏迪曼杯决赛中,第二场出场的林丹战胜了当时已是奥运冠军的陶菲克,赛后他行军礼致意也成为其标志性的动作之一。[4] 2008年,林丹获得北京奥运会羽毛球男子单打冠军。林丹由此成为羽毛球历史上首位赢得全英赛、世锦赛、世界杯和奥运金牌的球员。2010年11月,夺得广州亚运会男单冠军并成为第一位获得亚运会最有价值运动员的中国选手。2011年6月,林丹的蜡像入驻上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆,成为中国仅有的几位拥有个人蜡像的运动员之一。 2012年,获得伦敦奥运会羽毛球男子单打金牌,卫冕成功。林丹成为首位在奥运会羽毛球男子单打项目中实现卫冕的运动员。 2014年9月29日,获得仁川亚运会男子单打获得冠军。Lin Dan (born October 14, 1983 in Longyan, Fujian[1]) is a professional badminton player from China. He is a two-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, and five-time All England champion. Considered by many to be the greatest singles player of all time,[2][3][4] by the age of 28 Lin had completed the "Super Grand Slam", having won all nine major titles in the badminton world: Olympic Games, World Championships, World Cup, Thomas Cup, Sudirman Cup, Super Series Masters Finals, All England Open, Asian Games, and Asian Championships, becoming the first and only player to achieve this feat.Lin Dan also became the first men's singles player to retain the Olympic gold medal by winning in 2008 and defending his title in 2012He has been nicknamed "Super Dan" by his fans.详细的英文翻译见维基百科:pared to 564 link's good result, this result has only been short two links compared to champion new owner Xu Haifeng, this weak disparity made Wang Yifu to regret. Stands Wang Yifu decides darkly on the third podium, the next time will be certain the crown. But at next time Olympic Games, because was eager for victory seventh, he has not been discouraged. His next time champion.

       This story mainly spoke Chen Zhong, in the ligamentum cruciatum and the meniscus are injured in the situation, the rejection surgery, continued to train, has made more efforts, endures indisposition which the average man imagined with difficulty, attacked the gold medal which that at that time looked like has not grasped. In the training heart, the Chen Zhong technology, the strength, physical quality teacher are most outstanding, therefore, under everybody's encouragement, in Chen decided that for four year Olympic Games, puts together one time again! Finally, she like was willing to taste has won the championship

       Chen Zhong has been through repeatedly difficultly, strives for success tenaciously, only then has won this precious gold medal, she not only has achieved the honor for herself, also has achieved the brilliance for the motherland. We must study this spirit in the study, as soon as cannot meet difficultly flinches, should overcome difficulties, faces bravely, challenges bravely. As the saying goes, on stage ten minutes, stage next ten seniorities. Does not experience the wind and rain, how can see the rainbow, we not only need listen earnestly in the classroom, but must raise the tenacious will.
